Thursday, 27 October 2011

Practice makes Perfect.

I just want to do a post with a lot of links to stuff I have been finding really helpful lately.
Especially the basic stuff, which no matter how many times I learn I always seem to come back too. : Really good site for free reference photos. : Tons of excellent digital painting tutorials. : Great head drawing tutorial using Loomis's techniques. Awsome figure drawing tool.

I might add to this post later or make some kind of permanent list.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Tim White

So my dad had a copy of this book of Tim whites at home and I must have flipped through it over a hundred times when I was younger, I guess it was a pretty huge influence on me. I've been looking at alot of vintage sci fi stuff latley and it reminded me to check out Tims work again. Just stunning. Heres a few links to more of his stuff.

I need a better tablet.

I'd like to say this is a work in progress but I've got to the point where I don't feel like working on it anymore, Its for a school project where we have to do a character from Romeo and Juliet but translated to sci fi.
Photoshop and about 6 hours.

Thursday, 6 October 2011


Dustforce! Looks awsome. Super meat boy meets... dusty locations?

Monday, 3 October 2011

Francis Tsai, Does really cool concept art and whatnot, love his use of lines.